Concerned About Speeding in the Village?

Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative where, in partnership with the Police, members of communities use detection devices to monitor local vehicle speeds. The volunteers report drivers exceeding the speed limit to the Police, with the aim of educating drivers to slow down.
Community Speedwatch only takes place where there is an identified speeding issue in 20mph, 30mph or 40mph speed limits. If the data proves a driver is repeatedly ignoring warnings, the Police can prosecute them.
The objective is to:
- Reduce death and injury on the roads
- Improve the quality of life for local communities
- Reduce the speed of vehicles to the speed limit
- Increase public awareness of inappropriate speed
Join Community Speedwatch
For more information, email the Wiltshire CSW team.
You can also raise speeding issues with your local area board or Council:
You will be asked for details, including where exactly the speeding occurs. The issue will be investigated, in the form of a traffic survey to monitor speeding in the area. If the site meets the criteria for Community Speed Watch, the co-ordinator based at Wiltshire Police will make contact and help to gather volunteers.
Volunteers receive training, and neighbourhood policing team staff will support them.