Emergency Services and statutory agencies |
Organisation | Non-Emergency | Emergency |
Environment Agency | 03708 506 506 | 0800 80 70 60 |
Wiltshire Council | 0300 456 0100 | 0300 456 0100 (outside office hours select highways and ask for duty officer) |
Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue | 0306 799 0019 | 999 |
Wiltshire Police | 101 | 999 |
South West Ambulance | 111 | 999 |
British Transport Police | 0800 40 50 40 | 999 |
Network Rail | 03457 11 41 41 | 03457 11 41 41 |
Gas (SGN) | 0800 912 2999 | 0800 111 999 |
Water (Wessex) | 0345 600 4600 | 0345 600 4600 |
Electricity (SSEPD) | 0800 048 3516 | 105 |
National Flood Forum | 01299 403055 | |
Flood Line | 0345 9881188 | www.gov.uk/flood |
Defibrillator locations: The Three Crowns Public House (outside front of pub) | 01666 846337 | |
Brinkworth Earl Danby Upper School (term-time only) | 01666 510406 | |